The room I was standing in was quite large and appeared to serve as a combination living room and bedroom. I could see it was designed to be a place for joyful living and peaceful rest. My eyes were drawn to a particular piece of furniture in that room. There was an antique dresser standing in the corner. I singled out that dresser as perfectly designed for usefulness in regard to what I intended to do next.
There were other people standing in the room with me and there was an air of anticipation throughout the room. The spectators, of whom it seemed there were possibly a dozen or so, watched intently as I climbed up onto the ancient dresser. I stood there for a second in order to let my body relax. My breathing became shallow and even as a person in a deep sleep would breathe. My mind was completely absorbed by what I was about to do next. I took no notice of the people there with me in the room now. I lifted my heels so that only my toes were making contact with the top of the dresser and I leaned forward at about a 30 degree angle. Smoothly and effortlessly I floated across the room. My body hovered about a foot from the ceiling in the room. Oh what a wonderful feeling! I had done this before. I knew by heart how to do it, and each time was as joyful as the next. Now I did it for demonstration purposes for the people standing and watching me in this room.
The spectators in the room found it unbelievable, yet they could see that it was truly happening. I circled the room and drifted lower toward the center of the room midway between the ceiling and floor, and then back up again to within a foot of the ceiling. I reached upward to touch the ceiling as if to say to the spectators in the room, See how you can touch things you normally cant when you can fly like this? It was not my goal that the spectators be impressed by my ability to fly though. I wanted to convey to them what a joyous feeling a person got from it that they might desire that ability for themselves. After the initial amazement of the spectators subsided, a few began to ask me to explain how to do this wonderful thing I was doing. I remained silent and instead my answer was to glide down to the floor, kneel down and bow my head for a second or two. I stood upright again and returned to the dresser top and once again floated cross the room. This brought shrugs and looks of puzzlement from the spectators, except for two gentlemen standing together slightly apart from the rest of the group. In unison the two men spoke. What you are doing is something that is impossible for a human being to learn to do. Only a creature born with the ability could fly. I remained silent, but nodded slightly, and the affirming look from my eyes verified that I was in agreement with their statement.
The other spectators didnt notice the silent interchange of agreement between myself and the two gentlemen though. There was a hurried discussion and much murmuring among the members of the group, and one of them spoke out loudly, We agree with those two gentlemen. It is an impossibility for a human being to fly. ..unless he should build himself an airplane or helicopter, that is. With sadness, I addressed the group of spectators then and said, You have misquoted the two gentlemen and misunderstood my visual demonstration in answer to your question prior to it concerning attaining the ability to fly. Maybe if you understood and listened more closely then you would yourself be able to fly.
This statement seemed to anger the group even though I spoke the words softly and in the manner of a suggestion rather than a denouncement. Their murmuring became louder and angrier and was coupled now with suspicion. I remained silent once again though because the angry group seemed to be ignoring me and instead absorbed by their discussions with one another. The two gentlemen standing apart from the group didnt speak again either. I saw a faint and resigned smile at the corners of their lips. The smiles werent smiles of enjoyment. They were smiles of acceptance. Smiles of knowing. They had seen this kind of reaction from groups before. It was expected.
The atmosphere had changed from wonder and interest at what I had done to suspicion and resentment. As the group began excitedly to discuss among themselves different ideas about who I might be and how dangerous I might even be, I returned to the corner where the dresser was. I was being ignored, so no one tried to stop me. I climbed back on to the dresser top and stood there with my eyes closed.
There were arguments breaking out among the group now in which one pair of individuals would agree together and then argue with another pair. One member of the group then loudly suggested to the other members that maybe I was an alien from another planet and they all might be able to profit financially from capturing me and turning me over to the right people .unless I was able to evade them by flying and did anyone have a butterfly net in their car trunk? This brought laughter from the group and dissipated the air of hostility in the group somewhat. Another person then spoke out and brought up the idea of demon possession and how he had seen Linda Blair fly just like that in The Exorcist. Maybe they ought to get a priest instead of a net, huh? This brought more laughter. The most logical sounding explanation came from yet another of the group though. He brought up the subject of magicians like David Copperfield who could appear to fly and even disappear. With that explanation, a fourth member of the group looked at his wrist watch and announced that he was going to have to do a disappearing act himself since he was late for an important meeting with his stockbroker. The group began to disperse and headed for the exit door with short pauses in which one of them would come up with yet another novel explanation about what they thought they had seen in that room together. Mostly though, by the time they all were walking out the door, their conversations had turned to ball games, upcoming parties, idle gossip or what they planned to have for supper that night. None of them seemed to notice that the two gentlemen who had made the statement about flying being impossible for a human being to learn to do and it being something a creature would have to be born with the ability to do, had disappeared through the doorway a good 30 minutes ago. Their departure had been silent as they rose in the air effortlessly and floated through the doorway.
As for myself, I waited quietly and inconspicuously atop the dresser. My eyelids had become heavy from fatigue and I leaned into the wall that the dresser stood against. The chatter from the group had become just a monotonous hum to my ears several minutes before. The humming grew louder instead of weaker as the group left through the doorway. I had anticipated a private flight from the dresser after the room had been vacated, but the persistence and increasing volume of the humming distracted me. I opened my eyes to see why the sound was getting louder and where it was coming from. With reluctance and disappointment flowing over me like a river, I reached across to shut off the alarm clock sitting on the night stand beside my bed. For two seconds longer though, I closed my eyes and considered climbing onto the night stand for a flight.
Some people say that they believe there are aliens walking among the citizens of this planet and since they look just like humans then they cant be easily spotted. I know this belief to be truth. I am an alien.
I wasnt clearly aware that I was a citizen of another place other than this world until I was what is referred to as an adult by citizens of this planet Earth. I had suspicions that I was not of this world as far back as age nine though. As a girl of nine, I would often have feelings of not fitting in with people I would be around. The lights in the heavens at night would fascinate me. I remember one summer night when I couldnt sleep, I stood in the yard in front of the house that I lived in. I stared upward at the dark sky and had the distinct feeling that I was staring toward my real home. There was a longing within me for someone from that distant place I was staring toward to come downward on that quiet starlit night, take me by the hand and say, It is time for you to come home now.
I somehow knew there would be wonderful things awaiting me in that place beyond the stars where my true citizenship was. I sensed there were things there that this planet Earth could not provide for my eyes and ears that would bring true happiness and peace to me. There also would be beings there who were the same as I beings with whom I could tell the things in my heart to and who would understand completely.
Here on this planet, there are things I do not speak about with the citizens because I know they would not understand what I was talking about. I have from time to time spoken of some such things to earthly citizens, and they would often look at me oddly as if I was speaking a foreign language. I learned as I became an adult why this would happen. The citizens of this world are not equipped to receive these thoughts that I would speak. I would liken it to trying to receive a signal meant for a television with a transistor radio. You may hear a garbled sound, but could never see the picture.
As I relate this true story to whomever may read it, I realize that there are others out there who can understand completely what I am writing about. Not many though, I believe. You see, there are other aliens beside myself on this planet. There is a danger to us aliens who live here though. If we try to fit in with the citizens of earth too well and adopt certain earthly principles for lifestyle into our own lives, we put ourselves in danger of extreme emotional distress. I know this to be true from my own experiences here. Before becoming clearly aware that there was truth in what earthly citizens would deem as childish imaginings on that night when I was a young girl and stood outside and longingly looked toward the heavens, I would try to adapt and fit in with the lifestyles accepted here by the citizens of this planet. After some trial and error, I found that my substance as a true being was becoming faint. Nothing was making much sense to me. That was when I became aware that I was different and that the credos of this civilization here on this planet were not suitable for me to live by. No, I did not come to the realization of this truth by figuring it out completely with my mind. I learned it from reading a Book of Truth, instruction from senior aliens, but most of all from our leader Himself.
When I was a girl of age eight, I believed that there was a God; and I believed that there was a place a person goes after their physical death. I believed there was a heaven and I believed there was a hell. I did not question these truths. I just accepted them as truth. Along with these truths, there was another truth I accepted. I believed that I was destined to dwell in hell for eternity if I should die in the condition I was in. After almost a year of dodging that thought, which persistently entered my mind at the most unexpected moments to my great distress; I decided I could no longer stand to live with that thought and accompanying fear. I knelt on my knees and called out to God to have mercy on me. I did not want to spend eternity in hell after my death even though I knew I rightfully deserved it. Something supernatural happened in the moment I prayed that prayer to God. My fear was instantly taken away, and in its place there was joy and amazement. It was not just a mind thing or an emotional event though. It took me totally by surprise and encompassed my whole being. It was as if I had been in a dark room and then stepped out into the brightest sunshiny day. A day that was sparkling with light in a way I had never seen before. I was different. I could understand things that I did not understand before. The allures of this world no longer interested me as they had before. There was an affirmed awareness that this world is not all there is along with the realization that God was absolutely real and He did things. He was not just a superstition like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. God was as real as any person or thing that I could see in this world with my physical eyes or touch with my hands. Not only was God absolutely real, He had done something miraculous to me personally. He had wiped away all the guilt of my sinful self and in its place left a person with a joyful and clean heart. Sure, I was still residing in the same fleshly body that was there a moment before, but inside that body where there had been darkness and grief, in its place there was now life and joy and a knowledge of God. The heavy weight that had centered within my chest and encompassed my whole body was instantly lifted. I felt as if I could fly. I was born again. I was a new creature. I was changed from what I had been before and no I was no longer a citizen of this planet who cared only for the things or happenings in this life. My hopes and cares had now become centered on what lay beyond this world. My citizenship was transferred from earth to heaven. I realized there was a huge difference between believing there is a God and knowing there is knowing also that His Son Jesus Christ paid the complete debt for that heavy burden of sin that had been removed from me.
Before I go any further, let me explain that this whole process was not something that I worked for myself or that I had even wanted at first. I did not know that it was even possible. One day I was just a normal American child playing and exploring this world like any other child. The thoughts of hell that came upon me so suddenly were not in my control either. They were not just what Id call normal thoughts either. Along with them came a powerful spiritual drawing so strong that it would cause my whole body to tremble and become weak. It took every ounce of mental, emotional, and physical strength I possessed to resist this drawing. After I made the decision to stop resisting, I became totally desperate. I didnt know what to do in order to obtain relief from the fear of hell and the powerful spiritual drawing that I was experiencing. I dont believe it was just luck that the way was made known to me. I believe that two men who had experienced the same convictions I had, and obtained relief from them, were sent by God and made available at the right moment. They were also given the right words to speak to me, I believe.
I happened to be at a service at a little Baptist church in rural Arkansas on that Sunday morning when I came to the end of my rope so to speak. I stumbled forward at the end of the service during a song that was being sung as an invitational hymn. The pastor of the church and my own dad were standing there at the front of that church when I stumbled my way to them in order to ask how to be saved as I had heard it phrased. I did not know what answer Id receive from those two men standing there. I was just a desperate child. I wanted help. When a child needs help, by age eight they have learned that you ask an adult. So I told those two men I wanted to be saved. They spoke these same two words in unison to me, Ask God. I was devastated. I did not understand. I could not see God standing there waiting to help me. I could only see two men, and those two men seemed to be telling me that they couldnt help me. I was totally alone in my grief and fear. Yes, I believed there was a God, but how in the world could a God whom I could not see, help me? I was so desperate though that I decided that I had no other alternative but to try asking that invisible God for help. That invisible God did not tarry in His very real help to me when I knelt down on my knees. No, I did not have to voice long pleas to Him. I did not have to kneel for an hour on the floor rehearsing and versing to God what my problem was or how desperately helpless I was. All that was within me, unspoken. I did not even call Gods name out loud. His name was only on my tongue and not completely spoken when the miraculous transformation from darkness to light happened to me.
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21....In one moment on that Sunday morning years ago, I found out what those two verses from the Bible mean. I personally experienced them.
I give thanks to God for those two men standing at the front of that church that morning .two men who knew that it is impossible for a human being to save himself. They knew I needed to be born again as a new creature in Christ. They knew that being born again and receiving a saving faith in God was a gift from God God who is The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.... Not a god named Allah who has no son who died for the sins of the world.
For by grace are ye saved though faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
I am not going to list every scripture in the Bible that has to do with salvation and it being a free gift. I understand the scriptures every one having to do with salvation to be saying that it is a free gift, and it is so plain and simple that a child can understand. That is the problem with some people maybe. They want to intellectualize. They want to analyze. They want to help themselves instead of becoming as a helpless child. And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:2-3.
There is a strong movement nowadays even in the elementary grades in society for parents and school teachers to teach children to never give up and if you just keep trying and have faith that you can do something, then you can. Poppycock, I say. Deceit, I say. Dangerous, I say. It is all a teaching of faith in ones own strength and will lead to despair and hell after a persons life here on earth is done. That Sunday morning as an eight year old child, I was the exact opposite of what children are being taught in society now. I did give up. I didnt have faith that I could do something. I didnt believe that I needed to keep on trying. My only hope was what God could do for me. There is also teaching to children now in society as to their self worth. On that Sunday morning when I asked for mercy from God, I felt no self worth. I was worthless as far as I could see, and worse. I had nothing to offer in return for the salvation I pleaded for.
Okay, enough said now about the subject of how I became an alien living among citizens of this world. Is that an odd statement to you? Does it sound insane? Compare my statement to the following scripture from the Bible and then decide if it is insane. For our conversation (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Philippians 3:20 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world, John 17:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17.
What about that night as a young girl when I looked longingly toward the heavens for someone from that distant place to come and take me home? Was I just an over imaginative child with a penchant for science fiction? Read the following scripture In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am there ye may be also. John 14: 3 .. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said,Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. John 1:10-11
Does it grieve me that citizens of this world choose to remain to be citizens of this world? Yes, because I know where they will spend eternity. It is a place where I did not want to spend eternity. I know assuredly though that all I can do concerning this is to just trust God to do His work. If that work should involve Him moving two men to speak the right two words at the right time, then that is Gods work. Maybe just kneeling in silent prayer would be enough to witness to some, by setting an example of Who to turn to. Maybe just sharing the joy I feel from the gift of salvation God gave me would be enough. That is for God to move me to do at the right place or time also. I believe that every person who lives to an age and time when they realize that they are a sinner, and God sends the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin and their need for salvation, has an opportunity to receive the gift of salvation. God created people with a free will though, so they have to choose whether they want to repent of themselves and ask God to save them instead of either trying to save themselves by their own works, (including trying to work up some kind of faith), or else just ignoring Gods invitation to come to Him. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him . John 6:44 .. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. John 12:32 . .And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Revelation 22:17
There are quite a few people living on the Earth who have an intense interest in aliens from other planets. Science fiction writers come up with some very entertaining books and movies on the subject. If people would read and believe their bibles, then they would find truths in there that are much more fascinating than stories about little green men. Yes, there are beings other than humans who exist. There are angels. There are demons. Most of all there is God. Cherubims are written about in the Bible. What is a Cherubim? Im not sure. Some day I believe I will know and understand though. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12
Are there UFOs? In the book of Ezekiel, there is a description of something that sounds very much like a UFO as described by some people nowadays. It wasnt flown by little green men from other planets though. Ezekiel was transported in time and space in it and shown things in the future. So you see, truth is stranger than fiction sometimes. I believe people come into contact with angels here on earth also. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2. We should not be become overly obsessed about angels though. They are fellow servants of God. I have curiosity as much as the next person concerning unseen things, but in order not to get sidetracked from what my purpose on this Earth is for, I try to focus on learning truth from Gods Word instead of letting my imagination run amok.
Some day I will indeed fly. It will not be the ringing of an alarm clock, but the sound of a shout, a voice, and trumpet that will herald that occasion though. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
After my departure, I will return again a short while later to this Earth with The Ancient of Days. I will be in a new indestructible body and dressed in white. Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Daniel 7:22 .. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Revelation 19:14
..There was an antique dresser standing in the corner. I singled out that dresser as perfectly designed for usefulness in regard to what I intended to do next.
Some people say that they believe there are aliens walking among the citizens of this planet and since they look just like humans then they cant be easily spotted. I know this belief to be truth. I am an alien.