A Dying Christian

                                      A Christian man at close of day,
                                             Called all his loved ones near;
                                             And said to them, I go away,
                                             Yet death I do not fear.

                                             I leave you here in this world below,
                                             Where trials often come;
                                             And to my resting place I go,
                                             To sleep within the tomb.

                                             And you who have not sought God's grace,
                                             Come seek his face today;
                                             And find in Him a resting place,
                                             Before I go away.

                                             And so, dear ones, I leave you now,
                                             Within my Father's care;
                                             And to His will just humbly bow,
                                             And breathe His name in prayer.

                                             I'm going home to die no more
                                             To live with Christ, my Lord;
                                             And dwell on that Celestial shore.
                                             I'm trusting in His Word.

                                             O angel band, your voice I hear,
                                             You soon shall bear me o'er;
                                             Old Jordan's waves I do not fear,
                                             I'm nearing Canaan's shore.

Josephine Roberts