A Fool's Identity

                                             Dwelling here upon this earth
                                             Beneath the blazing sun,
                                             Are a number of fools, of little worth,
                                             Of whom you may be one.

                                             Don't be too quick to ridicule
                                             This thing that I have said.
                                             A fool seldom learns that he's a fool
                                             Until after he is dead.

                                             God has told us in His Word,
                                             That will stand when this earth is gone,
                                             Some things that may be seen and heard,
                                             By which a fool is known.

                                             The wrath of a fool is presently known.
                                             In his mouth is a rod of pride.
                                             He's said in his heart, "There's no God on His throne."
                                             He has despised the Crucified.

                                             His hatred he hides with lying lips.
                                             He has deceit within.
                                             He scorns and laughs at God's precepts.
                                             He makes a mock at sin.

                                             Counsel him and you he'll hate.
                                             True wisdom he'll despise.
                                             He's unaware of his awful state;
                                              In his own conceit he's wise.

                                             He doesn't understand the truth;
                                             That there's no wisdom against the Lord.
                                             No understanding or counsel sooth,
                                             That's contrary to His Word.

                                              So if God's precious gift you spurn,
                                              Until your life is through;
                                             Alas, too late in hell you'll learn
                                             That one of these fools was you.

                                                               Vernon Roberts

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