A Thousand Generations

                                        To A Thousand Generations was the Word;
                                        Even the unalterable command.
                                        To a nation He's scattered,
                                        Though persecuted and shattered;
                                        To return to and inherit their land.

                                        To A Thousand Generations is Israel's
                                        Everlasting inheritance, at the end.
                                        The same to Jacob confirmed,
                                        For a law covenant termed,
                                        That God made with Abram, His friend.

                                        To A Thousand Generations; even now
                                        Is preparation being made,
                                        To set on His throne
                                        His Beloved Holy One,
                                        In fulfillment of what He has said.

                                        To A Thousand Generations, refers to
                                        Those of a millennial one.
                                        Where in the city God chose
                                        His Holy Name to disclose,
                                        His King will reign for as long as the sun.

                                                               Vernon Roberts

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