
                               The end of a thing is better than it's beginning,
                               Else there'd be no valid reason to begin.
                               Investments of toil are made with a view of winning,
                               A reward that's thought well worthy of it's win.

                               Each accomplishment in it's conception and it's molding,
                               Stands not alone, in a separate law governed realm;
                               But is the product of a created source unfolding
                               By the power of Him who governs destiny's helm.

                               We see so commonly followed just trite suggestion,
                               With the more important left neglected on the shelf.
                               Too busy with trifles to reflect and ask the question,
                               What is more important than improvement of oneself?

                               Since successful designing is not by the wisdom bereft,
                               Why not leave those in which this trait is rife;
                               Yielding to Him whom wisdom is as one brought up with,
                               That He might be the sculptor of your life?

                                                       Vernon Roberts

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