Faith, Hope And Charity
God bestowed certain gifts on His elected,
His abiding sovereign presence to attest.
But when His inspired Holy Word had been perfected,
He kept three, needful, and excluded all the rest.
Those three He kept are Faith, Hope And Charity.
Of those provisional gifts , only these remain.
God tells us in His Word of Truth, with clarity,
All but these three will have no use again.
Faith is the evidence of things that are not seen;
Things hoped for the constituent substance of.
Greater than faith is charity's offences-forgot mien.
For charity is God's Spirit's shed love.
Hope is an anchor of the soul, steadfast and sure,
That enters into that within the veil.
Charity is by the Spirit that makes hope endure.
That Spirit provides that charity never fail.
It's faith that into grace we have access by,
And we lay hold upon the hope for the gift.
But through charity His Holy nature is expressed by
The living presence of our great salvation's self.
And so, in salvation's climax, that's eventual,
With God's enabling understanding, we can see,
That although faith and hope are both essential,
How that charity is the greatest of the three.
Vernon Roberts
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