From Ruin To Rejoicing

                                   Oh what shall I do, thou preserver of men?
                                   For I find there's not ought in my grasp,
                                   To atone for the sin
                                   That corrupts me within.
                                   Under my lips is the poison of asps.

                                   My heart is like lead, down my cheek slides a tear.
                                   Sin's load is too heavy to bear.
                                   Hell's flame seems near,
                                   I tremble with fear.
                                   I'm wild in my grief and despair.

                                   My thoughts go back to a time in the past;
                                   What's the meaning of this thing that I see?
                                   I stand aghast,
                                   To a cross nailed fast,
                                   Hangs a sinless man dying for me.

                                   Could this be the Lamb that in former days
                                   God promised for sin would be slain?
                                   I continue to gaze,
                                   As rocks rend and the earth sways,
                                   And the Temple's Veil is rent in twain.

                                   I watch as gentle loving hands
                                   Place Him beneath the earth.
                                   I remember what He said,
                                   Before He bled,
                                   About a Spiritual birth.

                                  I watch Him rise, and realize
                                  That God's oath is the end of all strife.
                                   I'm saved! I'm free!
                                   Oh, I love you! I love you!
                                   Forever my God and my life.

                                                 Vernon Roberts

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