Let Us Reason Together

                                Come now and Let Us Reason Together, saith the Lord.
                                Thus, mortal man made of the sod,
                                Received this invitation from the Lord's Holy word,
                                To reason together with God.

                                He in His wisdom, gracious mercy and love,
                                Chose by this method to show
                                How He could take a man's sins, give a birth from above,
                                And make them as white as the snow.

                                God chose, in reasoning together with men,
                                To use men He called and sent.
                                Being led by His Spirit and endued with His power,
                                They preach that men should repent.

                                Repentance toward God and faith toward His Son;
                                This is the Gospel we preach.
                                The whole work is done, Eternal life's in His Son.
                                That's exactly what God's told us to teach.

                                                              Vernon Roberts

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