Pride's Robbery
Oh king that was given in anger
And in wrath was taken away,
Your proud and disobedient heart
Has clouded your glorious day.
Brave and noble once, in your youth,
Yet in your own eyes small.
Then came pride, and presumptuously aloof,
You disobeyed God's Word, to your fall.
One day you returned from a battle
With the pride of those who valorously win,
And women sang how thousands were slain by you,
And ten thousands by one of your men.
One braver, nobler than even the king.
Into your heart came a feeling much the same
As when a man's wife has broken his trust,
And turned his glorying to shame.
Your mind filled with memories of things in the past,
And thoughts of that battle afar.
Of how your army was challenged by an armored giant,
Who from his youth, was a man of war.
Then came this humble shepherd boy,
And begged your permission to go
With some stones and a sling, and his faith in his God,
And fight with this formidable foe.
Vivid in your memory was the giant's boastful curses,
And the shepherd boy's fearless replies.
And of a stone being guided by the hand of God,
To find it's mark just above the giant's eyes.
Too many like you, oh self-willed king,
Fail to learn the lesson there taught,
And just like you, they follow the path
Of pride that brings great men to nought.
Vernon Roberts
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