Daniel Family Photos

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Barbara Waters (Daughter of Dorothy Daniel Waters (Doll)

Barbara Waters on horse

Carolyn Cummins

Cathy Cummins, Vernon Roberts Jr., Elaine Roberts, June Roberts

Dorothy Daniel Roberts, Bertha Daniel, Barbara Waters (Barbara's high school Graduation day)

Bertha Daniel and mother Hattie Bell Young

Bertha Daniel and daughter Marie"Sis"

August 25, 1973

Sisters Betty Jo & Charlene Daniel (daughters

of Bertha & Princes Daniel)

Carolyn Cummins (Daughter of Charlene Daniel Cummins) Grade 10



Connie Cooper 6th Grade 1973-74

Daughter of Virginia Daniel Cooper &

Lonnie Cooper

Daughters of Virginia Daniel Cooper & Lonnie Cooper

(I'm not sure who is who, but they look like they are having fun!)

Dorothy "Doll" Daniel Waters

holding Baby Barbara,

Bertha Daniel, Virgnia Daniel, &

Lando Princes Daniel

Dorothy Daniel Roberts & Vernon Roberts Sr.


Rear left to right: Marie "Sis", Betty Jo ?,

Mildred "Spooky"?

Front left to right: Virginia & Dorothy "Doll"

Daniel sisters (daughters of Bertha & Princes Daniel)


Front row Left to Right: Elaine Roberts, June Roberts, Vernon Roberts Jr., Lelia Roberts (Mother of Vernon Sr.)

Back Row Left to Right: Dorothy "Doll" Daniel Roberts, Vernon Roberts Sr.

(Hold mouse arrow over photo for color version.)



Front Row Left to Right: Barbara Waters, June Roberts, Vernon Roberts Jr., Elaine Roberts

Back Row Left to Right: Dorothy "Doll" Daniel Roberts, Vernon Roberts Sr.

Dorothy Sue Daniel Waters

"Doll" on right in photo.

Hold mouse arrow over photo for color version.

Gladys Daniel Johnson "Sang"

age 47

Bertha & Princes Daniel with grandbaby.

Bertha Daniel with great granddaughters Mandi Gaddis (left) daughter of Elaine Roberts Gaddis....Julie Thompson (right) daughter of June Roberts Thompson...year 1976

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