Daniel Family Photos

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Back row left to right: Lannie Daniel, Bertha Daniel, Gladys "Sang" Daniel, Mildred "Spooky" Daniel Williamson

Front row left to right: Virginia Daniel Cooper, Marie "Sis" Daniel, Dorothy "Doll" Daniel Roberts

(I forgot Gladys' & Sis' married last names.)

Arthur L. Daniel "Lannie"

Grandma Daniel with grandchildren Left to Right:

Harriett Williamson, Barbara Waters, Lando Williamson, Elaine Roberts, Nettie ?

(Hold mouse arrow over photo for color version.)

Princes Daniel with granddaughter Elaine Roberts

Lando Princes Daniel

Back Row Left to Right: Marie "Sis", Lannie, Mildred "Spooky"

Front Row Left to Right: Gladys "Sang", Dorothy "Doll", Virginia

(Daniel Siblings...Don't you just love those nicknames the girls had for each other?)

Mildred "Spooky" Daniel Williamson

Lookin' good, Aunt Spooky!

Mildred "Spooky" Daniel

Lookin' SUPER GOOD, Aunt Spooky!

Mildred "Spooky" Daniel Williamson

with daughter Harriett on left and holding baby Lando

Two down and twins to come...still lookin' good!

Front Row Left to Right: Lando Williamson, Elaine Roberts, not sure?, Barbara Waters

I'm not sure who the girl is sitting on the porch holding a baby

(Hold mouse arrow over photo for color version.)

Now this is the one and only Virginia Bell Daniel!

If this doesn't make you smile, then your "smiler" must be broken.


Vernon Roberts Sr. & Dorothy Daniel Roberts

Wedding Photo

Now this is another interesting photo of Virginia Daniel.

Looks to me like she has a choke hold on a puppy with some funny hat thingie she put on it.

Virginia Daniel

Such a pretty girl!

Virginia Daniel

(Hold mouse arrow over photo for color version.)

Bertha Daniel holding baby, Hattie Young (Bertha's mother)

Virginia standing behind them.

Left to right: Virginia, Dorothy "Doll", Gladys "Sang", Marie "Sis", & Charlene


I'm pretty sure I can find some more photos of you, Virginia. If so, I'll add them to this page. Lonnie, I've just got to locate the photo of you looking like James Dean. I'm pretty sure I have it saved on a disk somewhere around here. There will be the next page (page 5) link at the bottom of this page and it should be the final page of Daniel Family Photos. Hope everyone has enjoyed these.

God bless all, June Roberts Thompson


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