Military Photos of Vernon Roberts
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I'm not sure which photos are from World War II and which are from the Korean Conflict. The photo with actress Jennifer Jones was taken in a military hospital where he was recuperating from shrapnel wounds in his hand and on the side of his face.
(As for any war veterans out there now, I know personally that Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is very real. I recall being awakened at night when my dad would be groaning loudly in his sleep. My mother would wake him to tell him that he evidently was having a nightmare. My dad described many horrors he experienced in the wars he was in and I'm sure he relived them in his sleep. He could also tell some amusing stories of the time he was in the army. I learned what the term "short sheeting" meant. He and his war buddies liked to play tricks on each other by folding the flat sheet on their beds in double so that when the person tried to slip into the cot at night, the folded sheet would prevent the person from being able to stretch their legs out straight. I now use that term "short sheeting" when one of my cats lays so closely to the bottom of my feet that I can't stretch my legs out straight.)
May God bless our troops...June Thompson
Recuperating from war wound in military hospital.
Vernon standing on the left.
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