Daniel Family Photos

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Arthur L. "Lannie" Daniel (son of Bertha & Princes Daniel)

These are some of the "smokin' hot" Daniel girls with some guy listed on the back of the photo as Mr. Willis. I'm pretty sure that is Charlene on the left kneeling beside Dorothy "Doll"

I'm not sure about the girls in the back row except for Mildred "Spooky" on the far right.

Notice the cigarettes between their fingers...naughty Daniel girls! (Doll was actually taking a puff when photo was taken.)

Hold mouse arrow over photo for color version.

Bertha Bell & Lando Princes Daniel

For story about Bertha Bell Daniel written by Virginia Daniel Cooper, click here

For story about Lando Princes Daniel written by Virginia Daniel Cooper, click here

(These are not only entertaining stories, but contain quite a bit of family history. Very interesting! I highly recommend reading them....June)

Ok. That's all folks, unless you wish to play the "Spooky's Spook House game below. See if you can locate all 5 of the Spooky creatures in and around Spooky's House....now this wouldn't be a web site created by June unless there was something extremely stupid at the end. If you don't care to play, just click your exit X, or you can scroll down to the bottom of the page to use the links to re-visit other pages.

(If you can't locate all the creatures by looking, you can cheat and move your mouse arrow SLOWLY back and forth over the photo and look for a comment telling you that you have found a certain creature.) Hint: There is a ghost, a skeleton, a gargoyle, a green-eyed monster, and a devil

Click here for page 1 Click here for page 2 Click here for page 3 Click here for page 4 Click here to return to Freely Received Freely Given main page If you need to contact me about problems with links or photos, you may do so by clicking on this link: About Daniel Family Photos

Disclaimer: I mean no harm by any comments or jokes I may have put on these pages, but I would NEVER want to cause a problem by any oversight I may have made in putting these photos on web pages. So please do not hesitate to contact me if anyone has a problem. I'm very openminded and criticism doesn't bother me...June