Roberts Family Photos
page 3
(Featuring Grandpa "Bo" Lester Roberts & Grandma "Ma" Lelia Roberts)
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New photos posted April 2016 Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4
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Left to right: Vernon Roberts Jr., Lester (Bo) Roberts, Colt Blue Rocket, Colt's mother Folks, this is one of the strangest photos I have with Lester Roberts in it. Notice that the mare looks like its head has been cut off and "Bo" Lester Roberts looks like he has only one arm. I didn't erase anything from this photo while restoring it. I enlarged it and then noticed how odd it looked. I took the original photo in hand and held it under a bright light, put my strongest reading glasses on, and sure enough it looked like the mare's head was cut off and Bo was missing an arm. This ain't the case of the headless horseman. It is the case of the armless horseman and the headless horse. |
This is another photo of Vernon Jr. and Lester "Bo" Roberts ... Notice Jr. has a stick in his hand and I think he may have been playing the "Doodlebug" game. If you are one of my cousins, you may remember how as kids we could always find plenty of Doodlebug holes at our Grandpa's place. Do you remember the rhyme we were supposed to sing while turning a stick around in the Doodlebug hole? "Doodlebug, Doodlebug, fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are gone." This is one of several photos I had fun colorizing. Hold your mouse arrow over this photo to see the color version. |
Lester Roberts with his sisters whose names I don't know. |
Lester Roberts on left. Grandson Vernon Jr. on right. |
Lester Roberts with Grandson Vernon Jr. and son Vernon Sr. |
Left to right: Lelia "Ma" Roberts, granddaughter Patricia (Trish) Couch, Lester "Bo" Roberts Hey Trish, nice Minnie mouse bow around your neck and.. those boots..where did you get those and what were they made of..rubber..plastic. What a fashion plate you were! Love ya! Whoa! Grandpa "Bo" looked like he was ready to kill whomever was taking his photo. Grandma (Ma) looked pretty good, though. |
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I debated with myself as to whether I should put this last photo of "Bo" Grandpa Roberts on here, because he was such a lively man in mind and body in his lifetime, and this last photo I have of him shows him so aged. I remembered though that on the day this photo was taken, he actually stood up once and danced a little jig. Although Grandpa Roberts looked stern in all his photos, in reality he had a wonderful sense of humor and I remember him laughing often. This photo was taken at Christmastime at my Mom & Dad's home. |
Left to right: Josie, Patsy Ruth, Grandma Lelia Roberts, Raymond, Leona, Grandpa Lester Roberts
(Hold mouse arrow over photo for color)
I have written some memories of Grandpa "Bo". If you would like to read them, click here