Roberts Family Photos
page 8
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New photos posted April 2016 Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4
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Left to right rear: Billy Couch, Barbara Waters, Patricia "Trish" Couch, Elaine Roberts...Front row: Vernon Jr. Roberts, June Roberts |
Left to right: Elaine, Barbara, Vernon Sr., June (This is known as "The Droopy Drawers Photo" in my family. Notice Elaine's drawers are hanging down below her skirt.) |
Vernon Roberts Jr., June Roberts (Jr. was my "best buddy" when we were kids.) |
Teenagers! Left to right: June Roberts, Vernon Roberts Jr., Elaine Roberts (This was the 70s. Sideburns & mini skirts!) |
June and Vernon Jr. (my best buddy) For some reason, I was topless, so I "manufactered" a blouse in this photo. Nowadays you can get into big trouble posting kid photos that used to be common. |
Left to right: My husband (Tucker) Danny Thompson and Vernon Roberts Sr. (1980s) This has been an interesting photo for me because these two were sitting and talking with their arms in the same position. They had a lot of things in common besides sitting in the same pose. Tucker still misses Vernon since they were so close and Vernon often told Tucker that he thought of him as a son. |
Vernon Roberts Sr. with one of his Border Collies that he was especially proud of. He did a great job training these Border Collies...if you knew him, you'd know he always carried his "hobbies" to the maximum. (Photo from late 1980s) |
Left to right: Elaine Roberts, June Roberts...teenagers
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